4★ Weapon Reruns Summary
This page lists out the total runs of featured character/weapons.
30 Runs
Favonius Lance
Dragon's Bane
17 Runs
The Widsith
16 Runs
The Flute
Sacrificial Sword
Sacrificial Fragments
Lion's Roar
Favonius Codex
Eye of Perception
15 Runs
The Bell
Favonius Sword
14 Runs
The Stringless
Sacrificial Greatsword
Sacrificial Bow
Favonius Warbow
Favonius Greatsword
13 Runs
8 Runs
Lithic Spear
Lithic Blade
7 Runs
Wine and Song
The Alley Flash
Alley Hunter
6 Runs
Mitternachts Waltz
5 Runs
Wavebreaker's Fin
Mouun's Moon
3 Runs
Xiphos' Moonlight
Wandering Evenstar
Makhaira Aquamarine
2 Runs
The Dockhand's Assistant
Range Gauge
Prospector's Drill
Portable Power Saw
1 Run
Waveriding Whirl
Sturdy Bone
Mountain-Bracing Bolt
Fruitful Hook
Flower-Wreathed Feathers
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